Hi, I'm Ceranise

Nurse by trade, Financial Literacy coach by Passion

Welcome to my corner of the internet! 

I'm Coach Ceranise Alcindor, a Financial Literacy Coach, Credit Rehabilitation Nurse and Real Estate Investor on a mission to [inspire, transform and empower individuals to reach Financial Freedom & Time Freedom for the Kingdom of God, to be the very best version of themselves and to reach their highest potential God’s way. 

My mission is to help bring financial literacy to every household in America by creating a movement called NOM (Nurse On a Mission)


Who Am I?

I am not just a [Financial Literacy Coach, Credit Rehab Nurse, and Real Estate Investor], but a [born again Christian, prayerful woman of Faith, follower of Christ Jesus, mom, wife, sister, daughter, and a friend]. Whether I'm [saving lives at the hospital, changing lives with the services I offer, taking care of my family or worshipping and serving God] or [giving back to my community by serving and volunteering]], my goal is to [do kingdom business and to be a kingdom financier by empowering people to thrive and build their legacies God’s way]].

What Drives Me?

At the heart of my journey is a passion for [God’s kingdom and healthy and wealthy Christian families]]. I strongly believe that [Christ and family ought to be the firm foundation on which we stand as a country], and through my work, I aim to [inspire, motivate, transform, and empower God’s people to thrive to live the life that God designed for us to live].

My Journey So Far:

With a background in [healthcare as Registered Nurse], I have turned my love for helping people into [a passion for helping individuals with their financial health to promote and equip individuals and communities with the knowledge and tools needed to make informed financial decisions and to build wealth God’s way].  Additionally, [My goal is to teach individuals how to be debt free, acquire wealth God’s way in other to be a kingdom financier], I've learned that [The best way to help the poor and the needy is not to become one of them].

What Sets Me Apart?

In an era marked by evolving economic landscapes, increasing financial complexities, and the need for sound advice, what sets me apart is [my commitment to help advance God’s Kingdom by helping people thrive and build legacies].  It's not just about [promoting good health, building wealth and legacy], but how I infuse [Ephesians 3:20 “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us” ] into everything I undertake.

Let's Connect

Thank you for stopping by, and I look forward to sharing, learning, and growing with you. Connect with me on [All of the major Social Media platforms @Coach Ceranise Alcindor (FB, IG, In, TikTok, and YouTube]